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Song lyrics to the song by Bruno Mars "Marry You" can be as follows: 1 verse states 'It's a lovely night, we are seeking for something dumb to do. Hey darling, I think I wanna marry you'. Another verse depicts 'Is it the look in your gaze, or is it this dancing haze? Who cares, baby, I think I wanna marry you.' During the chorus, it repeated say 'Marry you'.
Marry You by Bruno Mars includes singing words that go like this: One verse says 'It's a wonderful night, we are hunting for a feeling stupid to accomplish. Oh darling, I believe I want to tie the knot'. 2 describes 'Is it the look in your eyeballs, or is it this sensual drink? Who cares, love, I believe I'm leaning toward to marry you.' In the refrain, it continuously chant 'I desire to tie the knot with you'.
The singing words of the
song by Bruno Mars "Marry You" go as follows: 1 verse expresses 'It's a beautiful night, we're searching for a feeling foolish to do. Hey baby, I think I want to become married to you'. 2 describes 'Is it the glance in your eyes, or is it this romantic brew? Who cares, sweetheart, I think I would like to tie the knot with you.' In the refrain, it repeatedly say 'I want to marry you'.
These are the song lyrics for Bruno Mars's popular song "Marry You": 1 stanza states 'It's a beautiful night, we're looking for a feeling silly to engage in. Hey baby, I believe I want to wed you.' Next part depicts 'Is it the look in your peepers, or is it this romantic elixir? Who minds, sweetheart, I believe I desire to join with you.' During the chorus, the lyrics repeatedly chant 'I wish to tie the knot with you'. These words capture the amorous essence of the song, evoking feelings of love and the desire for commitment.

Bruno Mars Marry You Lyrics

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