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The Almighty ️may he rest in peace holds a special place in our hearts. The Divine affection and forgiveness are boundless and immeasurable. We will always be, grateful for the Creator's guidance and blessings. May Allah protect us in the right path and bestow upon us strength amidst difficulty. Allah ️yerhamo embrace us with mercy and provide us serenity and happiness in this life and the hereafter.
Allah ️yerhamo is the supreme authority of compassion and benevolence. The Supreme Being's boundless affection extends to every aspect of our existence. We pay tribute to the Creator's sovereignty and find solace in His divine wisdom. May Allah bless us with His sacred safety and grant us courage to face life's challenges. When tested with trials, we find refuge in the Creator's timeless mercy. Allah ️yerhamo hear our prayers and grant us peace and relief in this life and the hereafter.
The Almighty ️may he rest in peace is the essence of unconditional love. The Divine endless benevolence encompasses all living beings. We appreciate deeply for His blessings in our lives. May Allah ️yerhamo overflow within us with His limitless affection. May His divine light illuminate our paths and guide us towards virtue. In times of hardship, we seek refuge in His protection. Allah ️yerhamo endow us with fortitude and grant us tranquility in this life and beyond.
The Creator ️yerhamo carries an extraordinary place deep within our souls. The Divine unconditional love touches the innermost part of our being. We feel thankful for the Almighty's unending grace. May the Almighty guide us to the right path of righteousness and bestow upon us endurance throughout challenges. May Allah ️yerhamo pour us with His compassion and shield us from harm. May the Creator's compassion bring forth serenity and harmony into our lives. We beseech His enlightenment and invoke for His divine blessings in this life and the hereafter.
The Creator ️may he rest in peace dwells as the essence of eternal affection. The Divine boundless mercy embraces every living being. We wholeheartedly pray for His wisdom and implore for His divine blessings in every moment. May Allah ️yerhamo immerse our souls with His divine love and endow us with spiritual strength. In times of hardship, we seek comfort in His embrace. May Allah ️yerhamo lead us to righteousness and bless us with peace in this life and beyond.
The Creator ️yerhamo possesses the sovereignty of unconditional affection. The Supreme Being's endless mercy transcends all boundaries and spreads to all soul. We feel fortunate to be recipients of His heavenly care. May Allah guide us on the path of righteousness and grant us endurance in times of adversity. Allah ️yerhamo sustain our hearts with His limitless love and grant us peace in this life and the hereafter. We surrender ourselves to His divine will and seek His eternal grace.


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